Apr 11
Creation actually sealed our culpability from the beginning. Because God has created the world, we are without excuse for knowing Him. Thus Genesis 1 marks the moment all mankind became accountable to God.
Keep ReadingThe creation of light is a picture of conversion. There are so many ways in when Genesis 1-3 shows up in the Bible. Here is one!
Keep ReadingThe facts are coming in fast: social media is harmful. It is not neutral as we first perceived (or experienced). Having heard much more in recents months than I could compile here, I wanted to pass this on to our church. Consider social media in your home carefully!
Keep ReadingThis blog includes a few mediations by Herman Bavinck on the creation of woman. Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) was professor of Theology at Free University in Amsterdam. His book "Wonderful Works of God" is a succinct, easy to read condensed version of his systematic theology. It reads devotionally and is a wonderful guide for meditation on God.
Keep ReadingTheir daily work is to get their hearts crucified to the world and the things of it, and the world to their hearts; that they may not have living affections to dying things. J. Owen
Keep ReadingWe encounter all sorts of calamities and challenges. How can we make it through?
Keep ReadingApr 11
Apr 3
Applying the Bible to our hearts is not always easy. Hopefully these questions help you think more in depth about your heart and life.
Mar 27
Creation actually sealed our culpability from the beginning. Because God has created the world, we are without excuse for knowing Him. Thus Genesis 1 marks the moment all mankind became accountable to God.
Mar 20
The creation of light is a picture of conversion. There are so many ways in when Genesis 1-3 shows up in the Bible. Here is one!
Aug 29
We all know what physical weakness means. We can lose or gain spiritual strength as well. Where do we get strength from spiritually?
Aug 3
Dec 31
Jun 9
Apr 3
Gathering and Government
The Governor of Texas issues an executive order in which he designates churches as essential businesses. Does that mean that we can and should gather for worship on Sunday?
Mar 27
May 24
A few weeks ago in leading the Sunday Service pastoral prayer I asked our church for prayer for the Southern Baptist Convention. I doing so I mentioned that there were concerning matters in the forefront of the convention — even in the media. Below I want to speak to those matters, explain the SBC a bit, and offer some clarity on the usefulness and faithfulness of the convention.
At the very least our children learn a lot about the gathered church, her ordinances, and how God is worshiped. More so, in God’s sovereignty, the gathered church may be the very venue he chooses to open a child’s heart to his saving grace
Jul 25
At one point Martin Luther said of himself, “Satan has raged against me with incredible contriving to destroy or hinder me, so that I have often wondered whether I was the only man in the whole world whom he was seeking".
Mar 24
What is the connection that drew you to your church? Was it that there were other moms with kids? Other empty nesters? Other people of the same race? Maybe someone else there is from the same hometown and that connection made you feel at home. In Peter's denials we see that commonality doesn't produce faithful community.
There are good reasons to leave a church. But there are bad reasons too. If we are going to be faithful members and covenant keepers, we should be asking ourselves questions that reflect the nature and importance of membership.
Mar 2
We encounter all sorts of calamities and challenges. How can we make it through?
Mar 1
Jan 4
Should we expect to pray our own personal Psalm 139 and have God give us a special revelation right then and there? Does God’s word (God’s revelation to us) lead us to expect that? Before we get too disillusioned or set unbiblical expectations about God speaking in prayer, we must ask ourselves if Psalm 119:97 describes us. We are no more eager to hear from God in prayer than we can say, “Oh how I love your law”.
Jan 1
Nov 26
Form the lighthearted to the gospel-empowered, here are some things Milwood is thankful for.
Aug 27
What are the beliefs and worldview that make societies flourish? While each affair has unique dilemmas, societies are always a conglomeration of many issues. Various issues make up the whole of a nation’s interest. ......
Aug 6
What is love? There are myriads of both technical and colloquial definitions of the term. There are all sorts of ideals and worldviews about love. But there is one thing our culture seems to agree on: love is the most important thing. Still, what is love? What is true and genuine love? John has some answers for us!
Jul 10
Could you answer 10 solid questions on the issue of gay marriage? 20? 40? Depends on the questions, I know. Generally, regarding the issue, can you point to biblical text and explain them in their context? Much of the rhetoric floating around is puny, shallow, unthoughtful, self-contradicting, and sometimes downright dishonest.
Jun 27
Today, June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States, legalized gay-marriage in all 50 states. Here are a few thoughts from the Christian perspective.
Feb 11