With one accord they continued to meet daily in the temple courts and to break bread from house to house, sharing their meals with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. - Acts 2:46-47
What are LifeGroups?
LifeGroups are weekly gathering times where families, couples and individuals meet together to share food, connect with one another and study the Bible. We believe that LifeGroups are a key component to staying in community with one another and regularly studying God’s Word. LifeGroups meet for approximately 2 hours per week on a designated night of the week. Contact the church office or the LifeGroup Leader directly for more information.
Let Us Help Connect You to a Group
Fill out this form and we'll help you get connected for LifeGroup discipleship!
Find a Group That Fits and Reach Out to a Group Leader
Read the times/locations and short descriptions below to get a feel for what each group is like. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the Group leaders or our admin here at Milwood with any questions!
Monday Night LifeGroups
Group Dynamic: Multigenerational
Location: Milwood Baptist Church
Time: 6:00pm
Contact: Delmar Hager
Layout of the evening:
6:00 General Conversation over food that the members bring.
6:30 Prayer time
7:00 Discuss sermon questions
We are a multigenerational group that meets at Milwood Baptist Church.
Tuesday Night LifeGroups
Group Dynamic: Multigenerational women
Location: In person - Milwood Baptist Church w/ Google Meet (online option)
Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm
Contact: Leighann Hurley
Inter-generational ladies gather twice a month at the church with the option of joining on Google Meet (for those unable to attend in person). Currently reading and discussing "The Gospel Comes With a House Key" and sharing prayer requests.
Wednesday Night LifeGroups
Group: Multigenerational
Location: In person - Austin (changes)
Time: 6:30
Contact: Larry Lindsey or Stephanie Lindsey
Our Life Group meets on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. We do dinner everytime we meet, we share prayer requests and pray together and do Bible study. We are very diverse, we range in age from 20s to 70s. None of us have young children.
Thursday Night LifeGroups
Group Dynamic: Open to everyone
Location: Rattan Creek Neighborhood
Time: 6:30pm
Contact: John Hurley
The Hurley LG gathers every Thursday, with the option for Zoom. The group is multi-gen with a mix of singles and married. We visit for 30 minutes, pray around 7:00, then observe the text until 8:30 typically asking… What does it say? What does it mean? How do we respond?
Group Dynamic: Open to everyone
Location: Round Rock East
Time: 6:00pm
Contact: Chris Watts
Our Life Group meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month, at 6:00pm. Each household brings their own meal and we have fellowship around the table. We sing, pray, and study the weekly sermon text.
Northwest Austin
Group Dynamic: College/Career
Location: Milwood Neighborhood
Time: 7:00pm
Contact: Meagan Hurley
The College & Career LifeGroups meet every Thursday at 7pm. Each week the discussion revolves around the previous sermon, as we seek to grow in our understanding of the text and how we can apply God's word to our lives.