Coffee and Donuts each Sunday at 10:15am. 

Current Building Block at 9:30am - "Did God Really Say"? Anwering critical questions about God speaking into the world.

Established 1985

Milwood Baptist was planted by Hyde Park Baptist Church in 1985, but we can trace our heritage back a little further. 

Hyde Park Baptist Church began on June 1, 1894 when twelve people met in the Austin Electric Railway Pavilion between 39th and 40th Avenue A in central Austin. W.D. Beverly, on loan from a church in Elgin, Texas, preached and at the end of the sermon all twelve listeners indicated their desire to start a church in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Thus, W.D. Beverly split time with his congregation in Elgin to help start this new church in Austin. 

We know that W.D. Beverly pastored a church called New Hope during the Civil War and that New Hope was one of four churches planted out of Padgett's Creek Church (Union, South Carolina). Records say that Padgett's Creek split into four churches because, "Multitudes were made to cry out what shall we do to be saved and their hearts melted like wax before the sun." In a few years, 420 members were received by profession of faith and baptism. That founding church, Padgett's Creek, was founded by John D. Webb. 

From there we can assume with some certainty that Padgett's Creek was a part of the  Charleston Baptist Association and was very influential in that area during the time of John D. Webb. So, while we can't be sure, it is likely that Milwood Baptist has roots in the Charleston Baptist Association before the Civil War. 

Our great-great-great grandfather church was practicing careful and loving church membership, just like we intend to today. 

In 1774, just two years before the signing of the declaration of Independence, the Charleston Baptist Association produced a book entitled A Summary of Church Discipline: Shewing the Qualifications and Duties of the Officers and Members of a Gospel Church. In it they said, 

     "Every well regulated society requires qualifications in its membership; much more    
     should a church of Jesus Christ be careful that none be admitted into its communion,
     but such are possessed of those prerequisites pointed out in Scripture."

We still practice this. Like our predecessors, we simply aim to do what is "pointed out in Scripture." We're not aiming to be new or defined by creativity. We're aiming to be faithful to Jesus and his Word.