Coffee and Donuts each Sunday at 10:15am. 

Current Building Block at 9:30am - "Did God Really Say"? Anwering critical questions about God speaking into the world.

Colossians 1:28, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” 

We believe in investing in the next generation. One of Milwood’s central core values is to fulfill the call of Colossians 1:28. We aim to do this by offering weekly opportunities to study the Bible, meeting weekly for fellowship and prayer, and living the Christian life in community in order to know one another and share one another’s burdens.

We use our Sunday mornings and Wednesday evening ministries to strategically offer material and time for each child and student to learn God’s Word, but also to develop relationships with one another as they grow older and near adulthood. One way we do this is through LifeGroups. Another is through our Sunday Morning Bible Studies titled “Building Blocks” and a third way is by our Wednesday night Youth Ministry called “The Gathering." Lastly, we aim to strengthen our relationships with one another through monthly fellowship and the fun activities our church offers for Students.

More than anything, we want them to know the joy of a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and to be grounded in Him once they graduate from High School and enter into the next chapter of their lives.