Coffee and Donuts each Sunday at 10:15am. 

Current Building Block at 9:30am - "Did God Really Say"? Anwering critical questions about God speaking into the world.

Our church purpose extends far beyond our city and our nation's borders. Jesus commanded his disciples to "make disciples of all nations" (Matt 28:20). He has given us the authority and the commission to take the gospel to all nations so that heaven is filled people of every tribe and people and langauge and nations (Rev 5:9). 


Iglesia Immanuel  |  Acuna, Mexico

Milwood has enjoyed a missions relationship in Acuna, Mexico stretching back to the late 90's. We support Iglesias Immanuel, pastored by Hugo Garcia, through service, prayer, and support. Pastor Hugo has led his church to reach their neighborhood with the gospel, plant local churches, and minister to rural communities deeper in Mexico. 

Immanuel Church of Fujairah | United Arab Emirates

Milwood supports the Immanuel Church of Fujairah in the UAE. The UAE is a strategic location where men and women from many in the 10/40 window come for work and school. Their membership consist of various nationalites and ethnicities. Immanuel Fujairah was planted in 2015. 


International Mission Board

The missions agency of the Southern Baptist Convention is the International Mission Board (IMB) which has nearly 4,000 trained and sent missions personel. The IMB is reaching new people groups each year and planted 100s, if not 1000s, of churches each year.