Apr 11
Creation actually sealed our culpability from the beginning. Because God has created the world, we are without excuse for knowing Him. Thus Genesis 1 marks the moment all mankind became accountable to God.
Keep ReadingThe creation of light is a picture of conversion. There are so many ways in when Genesis 1-3 shows up in the Bible. Here is one!
Keep ReadingThe facts are coming in fast: social media is harmful. It is not neutral as we first perceived (or experienced). Having heard much more in recents months than I could compile here, I wanted to pass this on to our church. Consider social media in your home carefully!
Keep ReadingThis blog includes a few mediations by Herman Bavinck on the creation of woman. Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) was professor of Theology at Free University in Amsterdam. His book "Wonderful Works of God" is a succinct, easy to read condensed version of his systematic theology. It reads devotionally and is a wonderful guide for meditation on God.
Keep ReadingTheir daily work is to get their hearts crucified to the world and the things of it, and the world to their hearts; that they may not have living affections to dying things. J. Owen
Keep ReadingWe encounter all sorts of calamities and challenges. How can we make it through?
Keep ReadingApr 11
Apr 3
Applying the Bible to our hearts is not always easy. Hopefully these questions help you think more in depth about your heart and life.