Jan 2
Creation actually sealed our culpability from the beginning. Because God has created the world, we are without excuse for knowing Him. Thus Genesis 1 marks the moment all mankind became accountable to God.
Keep ReadingThe creation of light is a picture of conversion. There are so many ways in when Genesis 1-3 shows up in the Bible. Here is one!
Keep ReadingThe facts are coming in fast: social media is harmful. It is not neutral as we first perceived (or experienced). Having heard much more in recents months than I could compile here, I wanted to pass this on to our church. Consider social media in your home carefully!
Keep ReadingThis blog includes a few mediations by Herman Bavinck on the creation of woman. Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) was professor of Theology at Free University in Amsterdam. His book "Wonderful Works of God" is a succinct, easy to read condensed version of his systematic theology. It reads devotionally and is a wonderful guide for meditation on God.
Keep ReadingTheir daily work is to get their hearts crucified to the world and the things of it, and the world to their hearts; that they may not have living affections to dying things. J. Owen
Keep ReadingWe encounter all sorts of calamities and challenges. How can we make it through?
Keep ReadingJan 2